Date of Death: March 6, 2024

Service Details

A celebration of Sallie’s life will be held Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Hohner Funeral Home, 1004 Arnold St., Three Rivers.

Obituary Notice


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  1. Sorry to learn about Sallie’s death. We always enjoyed spending time with at the lake, farm, and in Three Rivers. She and Tony were great friends with my parents (Joe and Marguerite Whitney). After their husband’s passing, the continued to have fun times together. Growing up she and Marilyn Pelkey had great times together. Pam Baxter and Mary Helen Whitney are very sorry to learn of her passing and had a great visit last summer with her and Bill

  2. Dear Bill and Dale, my heart goes out to you, may God help you with the loss of your mother. She was an important part of our family while growing up. She is finally with your dad again.

    My love and prayers,

    Alana Stott Sowers

  3. Sallie was a very special person who you could count on to fulfill her obligations. She was a great member of the Three Rivers Woman’s Club participating and organizing our club projects. We will miss your mittens, afghans that you helped provide to those less fortunate. Your dedication to supporting care packages for our military stationed overseas, The collecting of used pill bottle to be used by medical personnel in third world countries will be continued by TRWC.
    Sallie you are missed.

  4. Sallie was a treasured friend and I will miss her friendship. She was a very giving person who never expected anything in return. I thank God for the good times we shared together.

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