Date of Death: February 6, 2021

Service Details

There will be a celebration of her life at a later date.

Obituary Notice

On Saturday, February 6, 2021, MaryJean Donmyer passed from this life into glory to join her husband, Dwight who had passed nearly 7 years prior. She leaves behind two children: Brad (Gwen) and Debby (Leonard); eleven grandchildren: Sarah (Jason), Chelsea (Trent), Hannah, Mariah, Meredith, Adam, Stacy (Jordan), Ryan (Jodi), Zack (Kim), Sara (Shaun), and Eric (Jen); and 14 great-grandchildren.

MaryJean was born April 4, 1933 in Chicago, Ill. to James and Mary Shawl. They later moved to Long Lake where she grew up and had many animals as her friends: a pet goat that would warm itself by the pot belly stove, a pony she would hide under from her mom and a dog that fetched bricks. She attended Three Rivers High School and met the cute boy in the band. They married and were able to celebrate 63 years together. They shared a love of travel, cooking, trying new things, and being with friends both old and new. They enjoyed square-dancing and camping, both in Ludington and at their summer home in Sandy Pines. They also shared their love of animals having several cats, dogs and a myna bird.

She worked at Armstrong Machine Works (International) for 28 years in Sales, Trap Surveys and Manufacturing Engineering.

MaryJean had a way of making people feel special and comfortable. Never too long without a smile on her face, there was very little that ever got her down. The queen of zingers, she could battle wits with the best of them, and win. She was sass personified. But it was always in good fun because you would be hard pressed to find someone more loving, generous or kind. She had a way of endearing herself to people. She listened, really listened to you. And she could make you laugh when you felt most like crying. But if you needed to cry, she would do that with you too.

When told of her passing, one of her great grandsons said, “she must have had an appointment to go to.” Perhaps she had gotten to the place like one of her favorite authors Erma Bombeck said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.” She gave so much and yet selfishly we wish she was here to give just a little bit more.

Additional Information

Memorials can be given to Animal Rescue Fund. Envelopes are available at Hohner Funeral Home in care of MaryJean’s arrangements.

Please Leave Your Condolences

When your condolences are submitted they will not display until approved by the Hohner staff for appropriateness out of respect for their memory. They should appear within 24 hours or less. Thank you for your understanding


  1. Debbie — Sending my condolences to you and your family in the passing of your Mom. I worked in the sales department when she started working at Armstrong and sat across from her. She was a lot of fun to work with and was always a happy lady. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

  2. Brad and Deb, Don and I loved reading this beautiful obituary about your wonderful Mom, It was so well written that I felt as if we had known her personally. It seems as if Heaven will be an even better place with your Mom there. Blessings on your family.

  3. So sorry Debbie I sure really liked your mom. I started calling her the old bat because she was a gem, she would always just laugh. She is giving them a run for their money in heaven. Praying for you all.

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