Date of Death: December 25, 2020

Service Details

A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Obituary Notice

Robert Wagner, 81, of Three Rivers, sadly passed away on December 25, 2020 at his home.

He was born in South Bend, Ind., on November 11, 1939, the son of William and Helen (Good) Wagner.

Robert was in the U.S. Air Force and a Michigan State Police officer. He also owned several food establishments: the Rainbow Inn in Mishawaka, Ind.; Bobs Bar and Bobs Pizza in Walkerton, Ind.; Bobs by the Lake in Koontz Lake, Ind.; Frankies and Daddy Wags in Three Rivers; Barneys Bar in Bedford and Triple Creek Convenience in Three Rivers.

He was a 32nd degree Mason who loved golf and travel. He golfed at Sauganash Country Club in Three Rivers, Moors Golf Club in Portage and Wachesaw Plantation Club in Murrells Inlet, S.C. He traveled to Jamaica, Hawaii, Australia, Arizona, Florida and South Carolina.

Remaining to cherish his memory are his son, Rodney (Sherri) Wagner of Three Rivers; grandchildren, Evelyn Aija Wagner, Gabrielle Aija Wagner and Darrell Robert Wagner; sisters, Constance Jensen, Judy Bliler and Diane Gutsue.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Aija Wagner, and his daughter, Courtney Wagner, and his sister, Cathleen Cleveland.

Additional Information

Memorial donations may be directed to Hospice Care of Southwest Michigan. Envelopes are available and may be sent to Hohner Funeral Home in care of arrangements.

Please Leave Your Condolences

When your condolences are submitted they will not display until approved by the Hohner staff for appropriateness out of respect for their memory. They should appear within 24 hours or less. Thank you for your understanding


  1. Rodney, Don and I are so sorry to hear about your Dad. We will remember him with that wonderful smile of his. In his later years, Bob was always happy to make us anything we wanted at lunch time. May he rest in peace.

  2. Bob will always be remembered for his positive outlook on life, his kindness, generosity, and love of his family. Our community will cherish his memory and many contributions throughout the years, Thank you and my deepest sympathy to Rodney and his family.

  3. My memories of Bob go back many years, starting about 64 years ago. Diane, his youngest sister was my best friend, and when he would come back home, he would always kid us. His name for me was ornery. Fast forward about 40 years and we would run into him at Frankie’s in Three Rivers and immediately he called me ornery. My husband has never forgotten that moment, neither will I. One of the things that made Bob special is that he made you feel special. The whole Wagner family, going back to his parents, will always be wonderful memories for me.
    Thanks for the memories.

  4. Bob and Aija are a very sincere couple that I got the privilege to have many pleasant conversations with!
    I’ve been missing them the last couple of years already because they haven’t been out in the public as much.
    But every once and awhile Bob would role up in his truck and razz me! you know he is!
    He was always willing to share his knowledge and advice about running a successful business! or even of life incidental struggles. Helping others when they were down on their luck.
    With heart felt Condolences to the Wagner family!
    Tim and Colleen Lewis

  5. Dear Rodney, Sherri and family, we still can’t believe that Bob and Aija are gone. We loved both of them!! Bob was always great for a laugh and a good time. Our thoughts are with you all. Love you, karen

  6. Was deeply saddened when I heard the news. Bob was one of a kind and will be missed by many. I am thankful I was able to spend a good chunk of my youth around Bob and Aija, as they were always willing to let the neighborhood friends invade their home. Rodney and Sherri, use all the happy memories to help guide you through the sad times. Much love ❤️.

  7. Wow, sure sorry about your father. He was a fun person to be around. I always enjoyed him and your mom as well. Condolences. Dick Boughton

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