Date of Death: July 15, 2019
Service Details
Services are Friday, July 19th at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Visitation will be at the church from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Funeral Mass to follow at 12:00 p.m.

Obituary Notice
Robert W. (Bob) Zerfas passed away Monday, July 15, 2019. He leaves behind his loving wife Patricia (Essig) of 58 years, five children Kelline (Michael) Holt, John, Norman (Kristin), Jeffrey (Monica), and Benjamin (Deb), 11 grandchildren, a sister Evelyn Lynch, a brother Donald Zerfas and honorary son, Jorge Gaytan.
Bob loved to fly. He spent 5 years in the United States Air Force Strategic Air Command as an Officer and Navigator on a B-52 Stratofortress bomber. This was the highlight of his professional life. His fondness of the B-52 and commitment to the US military was the topic of many conversations. Bob left the military for the only thing he loved more, his family. For the next 15 years, he ran Three Rivers Block & Builders Supply. Later he became a realtor until he retired. His Catholic Faith was very important to him. He was an active member of the church and a member of the Knights of Columbus and the VFW. Although he was very active in his community, his most important roles were husband, father and grandfather.
Additional Information
In lieu of flowers, donations to The Gary Sinise Foundation, Fisher House Foundation, American Heart Association, and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital would be appreciated. Envelopes are available at Hohner Funeral Home.
Please Leave Your Condolences
When your condolences are submitted they will not display until approved by the Hohner staff for appropriateness out of respect for their memory. They should appear within 24 hours or less. Thank you for your understanding
Rest in peace Bob, You were a good man and you will be missed by anyone who knew you. To his family: please accept my most sincere condolances
So terribly sorry for your loss! My condolences to the Zerfas family-
Sending condolences to the Zerfas family! We are deeply sorry for your loss. ♥️
Bob (Dad Zerfas),
May you have eternal rest in the arms of Our Lord Jesus. You have brought countless memories over the years for me and all the lives you’ve touched. Your many stories, jokes and laughs will be truly missed. I have had the pleasure of your company for many years through my friendship with John and you welcomed me as one of your own. My heartfelt condolences to Mom Zerfas (Pat) and the entire Zerfas family. Fly free dear friend on your journey home! Xoxo
Dear Aunt Pat, Kelli, John, Norman, Jeff and Ben,
My heart goes out to all of you. It was always a joy to see and be around Uncle Bob’s family, I always looked forward to seeing all of you . Many times when I feel down I would think of the funny stories about life he told me. After visiting your family it was impossible to leave without a smile. As my brother says “I will miss you so much Uncle Bob!”.
Thank you. This response is late because I never thought about the stuff on line. Thanks for the beautiful Peace Lilly plant. I miss you a lot but know you are in sunny Florida. John was supposed to get me your address. I hope we can get together when you venture to Michigan. ??, Mom
Pat and family. So sorry to hear about Bob. I will never forget the good times we had at your pool. You and Bob always graciously invited us rowdy nurses to your home. How Bob tolerated us with our union meetings was amazing. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of loss.
Mrs. Zerfas and Family I was saddened to hear about your husband and fathers passing.. No words I say can ease your pain just know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
We are thinking of and praying for all of you. May you find peace remembering all the wonderful times you spent together. Eileen (Link) and Rick Rexroth
Fly high Bob! You will be forever in my heart!
Pat and family so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. May God give you Grace, strength and comfort during this sad time.
We are sorry to learn of Bob’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the family. May God comfort your family at this time.
Warmest thoughts and prayers for all the family.
Dear Pat and Zerfas Family,
We had only known Bob for several years, but in that short time Bob has definitely left a great impression
on us. He was always very kind courteous and usually had a good joke to share. I loved to sit and talk to
Bob about his service life. I will never forget the days we spent at your Three Rivers home, where you so graciously hosted us so-called golfers prior to a yearly outting to Gull Lake. You are all in our prayers.
You will be missed, but not forgotten.
The Glab’s, John & Carol
Enjoyed being the “neighbor down the street” for a few years. Bob and Pat were so kind to have me and my little girl down to swim in their pool. Extra plus, I worked with Pat at TR Hospital for several years. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time Pat and family.
Pat and all the family – you are all in my heart and in my prayers during this sad time. I cherish the times I could spend with you in the summers while growing up!! I love you all!
Dear Zerfas family, I am so very sad to hear about the passing of Uncle Bob. I have so many fond memories of visiting your home during our summer trips to Three Rivers as a child. Please know my prayers are with you.
All my love,
Susan (Mason) Escoffier
(Daughter of Jean Zerfas Mason.)
Dear Aunt Pat and Zerfas family- I thank God for the uncountable blessings He has showered our family with and especially the gift of awesome love from Uncle Bob and y’all. Words are inadequate to express my heartfelt sympathy for your loss. I pray you and we all will know the peace that Jesus promised in his Merciful Kingdom. Uncle Bob and the love we received in your home in Three Rivers were always a sanctuary for me
. I trust my parents and siblings would agree that y’all made us feel welcomed and valued at every visit. From belly flops in your pool to being schooled in Tether Ball, I will forever be grateful for the Zerfas joy in Michigan. May you be comforted in faith and the knowledge that Uncle Bob’s seeds bore untold and bountiful fruit for the Kingdom. I love y’all so much. Peace be with and eternal joy for Uncle Bob?

. My midwestern friend and colleague taught me the phrase, “Bob’s your uncle!” Indeed he is and always will be!
So very sorry for your loss Pat and Zerfas family. I almost dropped my phone when I read your message. What a great life you had and shared together. I’ll always remember many get togethers years ago. God bless you and may He guide you through this time of sadness. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
Lovingly, vonda
So sorry for your loss Zerfas family.
My Uncle Bob was one of the funniest people I have ever known. I used to love visiting his home and playing and swimming all day long. His family is proof of what makes good people, a testament of what good parenting is along with my Aunt Pat. I will miss you so much Uncle Bob!