Date of Death: October 25, 2019

Service Details

Private graveside services will be held.    

Obituary Notice

Stella Evelyn Coleman, age 89, passed away peacefully on Friday, October 25, 2019 at Skaggs Assisted Living Facility surrounded by her loving family.

Additional Information
Please Leave Your Condolences

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  1. God needed a beautiful angel.
    May Aunt Evelyn finally be able to Rest In Peace. She’s free of pain and conflicts.
    I wish we had more time together, more birthday cake and coffee together. (She loved her coffee and sweets). I’ll always remember how she loved to reminisce when she, grandma, grandpa Meadows and her siblings lived in Arkansas.
    She had fond memories of going to her and Charlie’s home in Fla. and collecting her seashells. I enjoyed listening to her and watching her face light up.
    I really learned so much from her about my family and life.
    I’m forever grateful for the time given to me to spend with her.. I wish things were different for her.
    She will be missed by all of her nieces and nephews and their families who loved her very much.
    RIP Aunt Evelyn love you

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